Ilioinguinal nerve pain or neuralgia is a common condition that causes lower abdominal and pelvic pain. It mainly manifests itself as a burning pain and numbness that radiates from the lower abdomen, through the genitalia, to the inner thigh. The ilioinguinal nerve is a mixed nerve that originates from the middle back, spreading to the lower back through the psoas muscle, transverse abdominis, and finally the internal oblique muscles. Ilioinguinal nerve pain gets worse with extension of the lower back because the movement causes friction on the nerve that runs through this region. 
Due to its long course, injury of the ilioinguinal nerve after lower abdomen surgeries is very common. Both male and female patients may complain from pain, paresthesia and abnormal sensation in the area supplied by the nerve.


Generally ilioinguinal neuralgia is caused by nerve compression. The ilioinguinal nerve that is passing through the transverse abdominis muscle to the lumbar spine area can get compressed from trauma or nerve damage during pelvic surgery. It is very rare for the Ilioinguinal nerve pain to occur by itself. 


Unpleasant painful sensation in the lower abdomen and groin that radiates to the upper inner leg and the genitals are symptoms of Ilioinguinal nerve pain. Some patients may complain of severe burning and stabbing pains. 
If the pain starts after pelvic surgery, it may occur immediately or after several years of the procedure, as the discomfort may arise from the formation of scar tissue. 


The Ilioinguinal nerve pain is diagnosed with physical examination, an ultrasound exam, and electrophysiologic studies.
The treatment includes: