Tennis Elbow is a medical condition of pain in the wrist and arm due to the overuse of the tendons. Most of the time it occurs due to repetitive motions of the wrist and the arm. Contrary to the name, it is not characteristic only in tennis players.
Most reported cases of tennis elbow are from people that don’t play tennis, but their jobs require repetitive movements of the elbow and arm like plumbers, butchers, painters or carpenters. These repeated contractions and movements lead to muscle strain injuries or sometimes tears in the tendons that attach the muscles of the forearm to the bones outside the elbow.
People between the age of 30 and 50 engaging in certain sports like playing tennis or having a job that requires repetitive movements are at greater risk for getting tennis elbow.
Pain is the most characteristic symptom of tennis elbow. The pain is located in the place on the outside part of the elbow where the muscle tendons of the forearm attach to the bones.
Other symptoms may include:
- Weakness of the affected hand
- Stiffness
- Numbness and a tingling sensation
- Tenderness
For people suffering from tennis elbow, simple actions like shaking a hand, holding a cup of coffee or turning a doorknob can be very painful.
- Painkillers
- Cold compress
- Rest
- Physical therapy
- Surgery