Headaches and Migraines


Headache are an uncomfortable pain in the head or face that can sometimes include the upper neck. The pain of headaches causes pressure and aching in the sensitive structures of the head and face; including the skin, bones, eye sockets, nose, mouth and ears. 

The brain is not pain sensitive and is not the source of head pain. Tension or muscle contraction, which is frequently caused by spasms in the neck muscles or the muscles we use for chewing are the most common causes of headaches that are treated with over-the-counter medications. 




Low blood sugar

Hormone changes

Lack of quality sleep

Use of caffeine and alcohol 


Migraine headache

Tension headache

Cluster headache

Chronic daily headache

Sinus headache

Rebound headache

Trigeminal Neuralgia


You should make an appointment to see your doctor if you are experiencing more than 1 or 2 headaches per month or if you have any of the warning signs and symptoms listed below. 

  • Abrupt, severe headaches (especially if you’ve never had headaches before)
  • Headaches with fever, stiff neck, rash, confusion, seizures, weakness, numbness, or difficulty speaking
  • Headaches after recent sore throat or respiratory infection
  • Headaches after recent head injury
  • Changes in chronic headache symptoms
  • New headaches if you are over 55


A migraine is a severe type of headache that causes throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation mostly on one side of the head. Migraine attacks can last between a few hours up to a couple of days. Migraine pain can be so severe that it can cause nausea, visual disturbances, temporary vision loss, and severe discomfort. 

Migraines come with a warning symptom known as an aura that occurs before or at the time the headache starts. The aura includes visual symptoms or other physical disturbances, such as difficulty speaking or a tingling feeling on one side of the face, leg or arm. Often, migraines begin as a chronic condition in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood. 

Usually migraines are a process of four stages known as prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome, but not everyone goes through all stages.