Arthritis is a medical term for a condition that causes inflammation of your joints and is a condition that affects about 1 in every 5 U.S. adults.There are more than 100 types of arthritis but the most common types are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. These two conditions cause chronic pain and restricted mobility.  


Normal wear and tear is one of the most common causes of arthritis. Arthritis is also a common symptom of various autoimmune disorders, which often target the soft tissue in the joints. Additional causes may include:

  • Reduction of cartilage tissue
  • Injury
  • Family history of arthritis


Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis and happens due to the normal “wear and tear” of the joint during daily activities. This degenerative condition breaks down the protective cartilage that surrounds the ends of the bones, causing the bones to rub together. As the cartilage wears away, the friction that happens when a person moves causes inflammation. It can be extremely painful, especially when the cartilage is completely worn down, producing a condition known as “bone to bone”, the action of raw bone rubbing together. 
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder causing the body’s immune system to attack the body’s own cells and tissues. This causes inflammation in the lining of your joints making them swollen, stiff, warm and painful. Unlike Osteoarthritis, this type of chronic joint pain and stiffness can be mildly improved with gentle movements. 


Arthritic symptoms include:

  • Stiffness 
  • Joint pain
  • Swelling

Without treatment the symptoms can progress and become more severe causing loss of range of motion, deformity in the affected joint, or inability of the joint to support weight. 


Hip pain is a common problem that can result from a variety of issues, such as injuries, pinched nerves, muscle or ligament problems, or diseases. One of the most common causes of hip pain is osteoarthritis, a chronic condition that occurs when the cartilage (flexible tissue) that separates the joints deteriorates. 


Symptoms tend to develop slowly and can include pain around the affected joints, tenderness, and stiffness after a period of inactivity. If the deterioration advances enough and the bones start rubbing against each other, loss of flexibility and joint movement may also be experienced. 
Symptoms most commonly include:

  • Pain in the hip
  • Swelling of the hip joint
  • Redness in the hip area
  • Tenderness when applying pressure
  • Joint stiffness in the mornings 
  • Grating within the joint
  • Bone spurs around the joint
  • Limited movement of the joint

Hip pain can also be brought on by problems in other parts of the body, such as the back, spine or knees. The exact location and type of pain varies depending on the cause of the problem.


  • Ice application
  • Physical therapy
  • Moderate exercise to maintain joint flexibility 
  • Intra-articular hip joint injections
  • Surgery