Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis is a medical condition that is characterized by pain and stiffness of the shoulder joint and limited range of  motion. The joints of the human body are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. When this capsule thickness and tightens, the joint movements of the shoulder become restricted causing pain, leading to frozen shoulder. 


The general cause of frozen shoulder is prolonged immobility due to other types of pain and conditions such as rotator cuff strain/tear, shoulder surgery, bursitis etc. 

This syndrome is common among people who have diabetes, hormonal imbalance or weak immune system due to another medical condition and is mostly seen in women between the ages of 40-60 years.  


The symptoms of frozen shoulder develop over a long period of time, becoming worse as time passes. First any movement of the shoulder will cause pain, then the range of motion will become limited and after some time the shoulder becomes very stiff and range of motion is even less. Restricting the movement of the shoulder because of pain will actually make the condition worse and increase stiffness. 

  • Limited range of motion
  • frozen/ stiff shoulder


A detailed medical examination with X-Ray, CT- scan or MRI will allow the doctor to determine the severity of the patients frozen shoulder condition. The goal of the Frozen shoulder treatment  is controlling the pain and preserving as much as possible the range of motion. 

Common Treatments are:

Surgery is the next treatment if no other treatments improve the condition. It is usually more successful if is performed within a few weeks of the injury. Postoperative physical therapy will be required and most of the patients will get their full range of motion back within three months.